Monday, April 23, 2012

One for the Men

There has been a not insignificant amount of hostility towards Liberty University for its recent choice in visiting speakers. Among these speakers, iconic pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church out of Seattle, Washington. (Who was rumored to have been rejected by the Liberty Board of Trustees, however that was not the case according to a press release from the school.)

He has a lot to say about the role of men at home and in the church. Like the review on my last blog, he promotes masculinity for men and femininity for women. I have seen a lot of hateful remarks about his statements that oppose effeminate behavior in the church. Students, professors, journalists, locals, and citizens of the internet alike all have an opinion to share, and mostly in opposition.

I think that there are a lot of people here who really don't get what has happened. Everyday we are being told not to harass the homosexuals. The media tells us that if we are not supportive of a homosexual lifestyle that we are bigots. Christians are considered to be close-minded and full of hate.

As a Christian I am offended by these messages. I have friends who are homosexual that respect my faith in Christ and don't belittle me for it. Neither do I discount them as friends whom I love and care about. This whole "if you are not supportive of gay rights then you are committing hate" is an utter farce. (None of these friends actually consider the homosexual political agenda to be making their lives any better, and in some cases it is making matters worse.)

When GLBT activists want to use the public schools and America's youth as a political springboard that is recognized as an acceptable cause (e.g., The Day of Silence), even though such a holiday provided motive to alienate, and victimize Christian students. However, if there was a call to support straight students, Biblical or otherwise, they would be cut off at the ankles and left to bleed. They would be called intolerant while being themselves victimized. Such students supporting traditional gender roles would be called bigoted, horrible, hypocritical and heartless. Is this not creating victims and then sealing their mouths shut? Lastly I think that it is horrible that these adult matters are being championed through children...children as young as 6 or 10 who have no or very little understanding of the situation however right or wrong it may be.

However, with the constant bombardment of the homosexual political propaganda, and targeted gay marketing, is it any wonder that our men are becoming more effeminate even if they are straight? Men are harassed for their masculinity by homosexual activists who call themselves victims. I believe that those who would call themselves masculine are becoming more and more silenced as their manliness comes under attack. 

I know of more than a few men who share Driscoll's sentiment. These men are tired of being called predators and as a result of years of pent-up restraint I promise we will see more of this sort of justified rage. I have to wonder why believers do not see conformity to society's love for the effeminate as offensive? 

I know for a fact that even some homosexual men are offended by this because not all gays are effeminate either, as the media would have us believe. So why are some of our pastors and worship pastors conforming to this effeminate metro-sexual image, and projecting themselves in such a manner?

*I am not saying that there should be a witch hunt on homosexuals. What I am saying is that we are passively allowing the effeminate to be glorified in our society while diminishing the value of masculinity.*

*I am also not saying that I agree with everything that these charismatic individuals have to share. Rather that we should respond, not by throwing stones at people who challenge us, but to consider such things rationally first.*

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